Windsor Castle, Magna Carta and Queen Elizabeth II

Windsor Castle is the setting for the conclusion of the novel, The Battle for Jesus.

Queen Elizabeth II agrees to host a conference at Windsor Castle on ‘Magna Carta in the 21st Century’

Back story: The Climax of the story is a vicious hand to hand battle in central Washington D.C.. Many die, including Jesus, and the press refer to this battle as The Battle for Jesus.

The world is in shock and the Supreme Court, although appellate, feels compelled to hear an address by the Deputy District Attorney who is conducting the enquiry into this terrible melee.

Miss Nancy Shuttleworth QC enters the court as the Deputy DA’s Council Assist and, being a lady of articulate distinction, dominates the discussion within the court.

Many legal issues concerning the US Constitution, and, indeed, England’s Constitution, going as far back as Magna Carta, emerge.

Nancy persuades the Bench to ask Queen Elizabeth II to host a judicial conference with England’s Law Lords. The idea being to bring Magna Carta, the foundation of their constitutions, into the 21st Century.

The Queen, guided by Miss Shuttleworth, agrees to the request and the story moves to Windsor Castle.

Windsor Castle:

Below is a picture of St George’s Hall, Windsor Castle, where, in the novel, eminent lawyers gather for the conference.

Windsor Castle
Photo of St George’s Hall in Windsor Castle by Joshua Barnett. CC-by-2.0. Wikimedia Commons. (26/04/2009).

Notice the enormity of the hall in comparison to the visitors.

In 2006, the House of Lords, was in reform, but the ‘Law Lords’ which today form the UK’s Supreme Court were still active. So, in the year of the story, 2006, the mediaeval structure of England’s judicial system was still in place.

The US Supreme Court wants to add a new clause, clause 64, to Magna Carta to hold rogue Presidents or Prime Ministers responsible for entering into a conflict, or a war, without proof of just cause.

England’s Law Lords agree with the US Supreme Court and they wish to implement it.

This places Queen Elizabeth II in an awkward position but she recognises Nancy’s hand in clause 64 and trusts her completely. Even so, she wishes to discuss it with the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court and Lord Wallace, her senior Law Lord. She wants to walk on it, talk it through.

The Queen chooses The Long Walk for an intimate discussion with the two leaders of their respective legal fraternities. She shows them the photo of herself with Mary Magdalene and Nancy Shuttleworth taken at the ATS depot during World War Two. Her story is irrefutable and the US Chief Justice and Lord Wallace believe it.

Below Left: Photo by David Iliff, CC BY-SA 3.0  Wikimedia Commons. Sunset on The Long Walk in autumn.

Windsor Castle

These two photos together show you the pastoral beauty of Windsor Castle. A perfect setting for the conclusion to a unique story on Climate Change.

You must read the novel to discover what clause 64, Magna Carta, is all about.

In the story, Jesus dies to turn Governments away from conflict and war and focus their resources onto climate change and thus save the world from the perils of global warming.

Right Photo: © Smithr32/ Wikimedia Commons. CC-BY-SA 4.0. (19th Sept 2020). The Long Walk, Windsor Great Deer Park to Windsor Castle. U.K, late summer. 

Below are two interesting photos: One of Magna Carta, 1215, being the foundation of both the US and the UK’s Constitutions. The other of The Magna Carta Memorial at Runnymede erected by the American Bar Association:

Magna Carta Memorial at Runnymede

This photo, on the left, is of one of the four known surviving 1215 copies of Magna Carta. The Great Charter. Notice the seal, once in place, has been lost.

Left Photo: courtesy of The British Library: ID catalogue entry, ‘British Library Cotton MS Augustus II.106’. Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons, public domain.


Below right is the Magna Carta Memorial at Runnymede, not far from Windsor Castle by the River Thames, erected by the American Bar Association in 1957.

King John, in 1215, chose an area close to this memorial because the marshland prevented the Barons from charging his knights down on horseback.

Photo Below Right: Magna Carta Memorial at Runnymede built by the American Bar Association. Photo by Antony McCallum; Courtesy of CC BY-SA4.0, Wikimedia Commons.

Windsor CastleIn the story, the House of Lords, advised by the Law Lords, unanimously pass clause 64 into Magna Carta and Queen Elizabeth II seals it into law. Thereby flipping Governments away from the wastage of war and encouraging them to concentrate their/our resources onto climate change… being the greater threat to us all. Basically, Jesus, through Queen Elizabeth II, gets us all onto the right track to save the planet.


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