The ‘worlds’ within The Battle for Jesus

The ‘Worlds’ within the story, The Battle for Jesus, are important but pretty basic.

Basically, there are three ‘worlds’. The fourth being Grim, who is an anomaly.

The characters make up these ‘worlds’ and they are as follows:

1. Mortals: No different from you and me.

2. Volunteers: These characters are no different from Mortals and are just as vulnerable. They can marry Mortals or other Volunteers, have children and live out their lives normally. However, they can remember their previous lives and they, not all, carry red phones to keep in touch with each other enabling them to settle into their new world.

Mostly they return at the same age that they died and start anew from thereon in. So, families with their children can return. There are some celestial exceptions to this, E.g. Martha Bethany and St Thomas and Matthew who would have returned as they were in the Holy Land, but in their case common sense prevails and they are ‘purpose-fit’ by the Souls in Heaven for their tasks in the 21st Century, and their overall wellbeing.

Initially, Volunteers came about through Mary Magdalene who suffered horribly in Auschwitz and Belsen concentration camps during the Holocaust and wanted to give those that perished a second chance. The Mother Mary and the Souls in Heaven (and the Archangels) agreed to her request.

Exceptions to the rule: Mary Magdalene is a Mortal and has a red phone with which she can contact the Archangels who also have red phones. Jesus is a Volunteer and has a red phone, he can phone St Peter in Heaven if he so wishes.
Mary Magdalene has the same power but very rarely uses it because she does not get on with St Peter! However, she can use it to contact special friends if she so wishes. The Souls in Heaven, by default, would help her with this sort of communication. A red phone can contact an ordinary phone, so can an ordinary mobile phone if the person has the number. But, red phones are special.

3. Solid Spirits: These characters are really ghosts in a solid form. The Archangels are solid spirits. It is impossible to capture or hurt an Archangel. The Mother Mary is also a solid spirit for her protection. She can return to Heaven whenever she wishes, as can other solid spirits.

4. The only anomaly: Grim, the Angel of Death, is a ghost and can only be seen by the Archangels, The Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Jesus.

He is a delightful character, desperate to be loved, and is besotted with Mary Magdalene. He is a lonely fellow, feels unwanted and unappreciated. He is a small skeleton in a cloak with a hood over his skull, an acquired taste, but he is the most informed celestial character and the Archangels rely on his knowledge many times. He loves Mary Magdalene and ‘would never take her, never touch her’. The anomaly is that with the return of Jesus and the Archangels in 2006, he has acquired the ability to pick things up but being a ghost he cannot project his feelings, e.g. he cannot touch, but he can be touched my Mary Magdalene if she so wishes. This is her privilege which has evolved over the thousands of years that she has known him. Grim’s job, as the Angel of Death, is simply to escort your soul to Heaven.

Those are the ‘worlds within the story’. St Michael’s Crossroads chapel is on the Orchard Road which is in the firmament.

All the above is self-explanatory in the novel.

One planet, One people

In the story, Jesus returns to avert the perils of global warming and save the world.

Photo on left: is a picture of Earth from 18,000 miles, while Apollo 17 was on route to the Moon, taken on the 7th Dec 1972. Called ‘The Blue Marble’. Photographed by either Harrison Schmitt or Ron Evans on Apollo 17. Photo courtesy of NASA via Wikipedia. Public Domain.

Note. NASA via Wikipedia have numerous derivatives of this photo themed: Earth from Space.

I am a novelist, a fiction writer. I am not a scientist, nor am I a climatologist or an activist.

Any more information will spoil the story! The Battle for Jesus is a unique, iconic novel set in 2006. The Earth is beautiful, let’s save it.

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