The Power of Prayer in The Battle for Jesus

The power of prayer is a vital part of the book: The Battle for Jesus. We all pray and the power of prayer is an intrinsic part of our being.

Prayer is only natural. A part of our inner person. Sometimes we pray out loud or within our inner-speak. We pray all the time, much more than we realise. How’s that you ask? Well, we all pray for something, to better our lives, or those of others. It does not matter where we are, in a car, in church, on our own, or in a group. Whether we are on earth or in outer space, we all pray. It is just the way it is: generally, we all ask for something to work out.

There is no measure as to the importance of an individual’s prayer. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Every prayer is important. There can be guidance but no judgement and no cynicism from an outsider. Prayer is a personal thing. It is not selfish. It is a powerful part of our soul. It is a part of an acceptance or an expression of the spirit of love.

Folk of all ages, all creeds, all beliefs, and those that have none, pray. Particularly, those that have none! They just don’t admit to it! And, that’s okay! It doesn’t matter. We all pray, it is an inner-expression, often a consoling activity, a loving thing, and Jesus is love. He understands us all, and he is blessed with the ultimate power of forgiveness.

There is no set way to pray. Some hold their hands together to make a steeple, some clasp their hands as in a fist and some open their arms as if to open their hearts. We are all different, so our prayers and how we pray is different. It is private to ourselves.

In the story, The Battle for Jesus, we learn through Jennifer how Saint Matthew, in the chapel, suggests we pray. He makes it very simple, just say: “Hello God, it’s me here, is that you there? Say yes, because you know it is …” and start praying. Simple. Any place, any time.



Picture of ‘The Virgin Mary in Prayer’ by  Giovanni Battista da Sassoferrato. Source Photo: Web Gallery of art. Courtesy of The National Gallery, London, UK; Wikimedia Commons.

This picture captures the power of prayer, the gentleness, the sincerity and loving nature of The Mother Mary.

No matter who you are, where you are, or what age you are, prayer works. Fact.

2 Replies to “The Power of Prayer in The Battle for Jesus”

  1. Simon the power of prayer is more than we can begin to understand. Those words that come from the heart is what Jesus hears and he is listening all the time. Praying is a cleansing within each of us, a quiet dialogue that speaks to the higher self, that brings peace to each of us.

    Thank you for this post

    1. Thank you Noela,
      That was a beautiful comment, one that I feel sure that Jesus today and even two thousand years ago would appreciate.
      Prayer is a powerful and everlasting thing within all of us.
      Simon Lawson.

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