Spiritual love wins in The Battle for Jesus

Spiritual love wins. In Jesus we find spiritual love expressed in the form of friendship, respect, kindness and good neighbourliness.

In the novel, Jesus, in his sermon in the park, refers to ‘friendship as the only way forward’. He sees love in the form of friendship, as the unifying force required to overcome the perils of global warming. He realises that global unification is the key to overcoming the challenges that lie ahead.

Jesus and Mary Magdalene are deeply in love. Mary, within her introspection, refers to Jesus, saying, ‘he is love’. She adores him and respects him. Honesty, truth and trust are the foundation stones of spiritual love.

Other characters, such as Ilsa and Marco who run Ilsa’s Inn, ‘only have eyes for each other’ and are to be married. Mr Muchmore and Mrs Eastman find love at first sight. And even Grim is besotted with Mary Magdalene.

Love is the driving force within this novel. It strengthens and binds the main characters together and fortifies their determination to overcome obstacles and take risks to achieve the goal, enabling the world to accommodate climate change.

The Battle for Jesus is surreal. It is a wholesome story of enlightenment. A major theme in the story is spiritual love:

In the novel, Jesus suffers a broken nose and is turfed out of a presidential speech in New York. Outside, in the street, Mary Magdalene tends to his nose, trying to make it better, but in the process only makes it worse! Jesus envelopes her in his arms. The passion of the kiss diffuses his pain as their lips bind their souls together. True love.

The only iconic picture/sculpture I can think of that gets close to capturing this moment is THE KISS by Auguste Rodin.

Rodin’s ‘The Kiss’ is physical, honest and beautiful.



The photo on left is of ‘The Kiss’ (1886) by Auguste Rodin, taken at the musée Rodin in Paris, France. (9th June 2005) by (author) CAlan. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

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