The MPD, Metropolitan Police Dept, Washington D.C.

The MPD or The Metropolitan Police Department, Washington D.C., plays an important part in the story, The Battle for Jesus.

The MPD Car Patrol has visited the Chapel on the Orchard Road in the firmament. They know that Jesus really is Jesus and that Mary Magdalene is the real thing.

You will have to read the story to discover how the MPD find the Orchard Road, but it is off Highway 95.

In the story, the men and women of the MPD Car Patrol battle for Jesus. They see the fight as a battle for humanity, freedom and common decency. Hence the title of the story.

It should be said that the female officers are given the chance to leave before the fight. However, the girls refuse the offer, saying ‘we have a stake in this too’. And they see it through to the very end with their buddies. The Archangels and the Souls in Heaven are with them, but they do not know or realise this at the time. So, the initial decision to fight is an extremely brave one. The officers consider the principles on which they make their stand to be too big to ignore, or walk away from. They go into battle for everyone, for human dignity.

The Officers of the MPD are totally out numbered with little chance of re-enforcement. But, the ‘teamsters’ from the truck stop on the Orchard Road join the MPD to ‘even the numbers up’. Three members of the NYPD are also with them. They, too, also know that Jesus and Mary Magdalene are for real. It should also be noted that Sergeant Joe Day and Private Kowalski of the US Marine Corp also join the fight.


Here is a picture of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Dept patch worn by uniformed police officers on patrol in their cruisers. These would be the officers, male and female, who, in the story, would have fought shoulder to shoulder in The Battle for Jesus.

Picture of patch: courtesy of Washington D.C. MPD.   Illegitimate Barrister, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.


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