Jesus loves New York | The Battle for Jesus

Jesus loves New York where the story, The Battle for Jesus, begins. Jesus returns as a journalist with a mission to help the Archangels, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, to avert the perils of global warming and save the world, only to find a White House mired in war. This novel is set in 2006 […]

Queen Elizabeth II and Jesus | Novel: The Battle for Jesus

Queen Elizabeth II and Jesus in reality are bonded. The Queen is a devout lady, she is the titular head of the Anglican Church. In the novel, Mary Magdalene brings Queen Elizabeth II and Jesus together. Queen Elizabeth’s unswerving belief in Jesus is paramount to the story. Prior to the beginning of the novel, Queen […]

St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel in The Battle for Jesus

St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel in The Battle for Jesus is so named because we all face a crossroad of some sort in our lives. Outside, St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel is a wooden church painted blue and white with a spire. There is no cross on the spire. Inside, it is a cathedral. There are no […]

The MPD, Metropolitan Police Dept, Washington D.C.

The MPD or The Metropolitan Police Department, Washington D.C., plays an important part in the story, The Battle for Jesus. The MPD Car Patrol has visited the Chapel on the Orchard Road in the firmament. They know that Jesus really is Jesus and that Mary Magdalene is the real thing. You will have to read […]