Saint Gabriel, the Archangel, in The Battle for Jesus

Saint Gabriel, the Archangel, is very different to Saint Michael, but they do complement each other. Saint Gabriel, in the story, is a large, imposing man in bib-n-brace overalls. He does not drink, nor does he eat or succumb to mortal ways. He speaks with an American accent and, although a gentle giant, he makes his feelings known. Never mess with an Archangel!

Saint Gabriel runs a tow truck, but no one is towing anything away.

The tow truck is celestial and he drives all over the world in it, parking anywhere he likes without anyone questioning him. This way he assesses the situation on the ground.

Only Solid Spirits and Grim can celestially travel in the tow truck. This means that mortals can travel in the truck normally but they cannot be transported celestially. So, Jesus and Mary Magdalene can ride in the truck, but they cannot journey across the world in it. The tow truck is indestructible.

In the novel, Saint Gabriel has teamed up with Grim and they travel the world together. Grim knows the people and the places. Gabriel brings the new born in, while Grim escorts the souls of the dead to Heaven. Through their travels we see the effects of global warming and, in particular, the devastation of famine caused by drought.

Grim is very concerned by the plight of AIDS and persuades Gabriel to do something about it.

Through Saint Gabriel we see the horrific impact of climate change across the world. He realises that the problem lies with the inertia of government, and indeed, the politicians, to do anything about it.

Saint Gabriel is ‘the messenger’, he does not judge. There is no swagger, he rarely shows anger and would never harm anyone but he is still an action man not to be trifled with. He is determined to turn things around and save the world from the perils of global warming.

Saint Gabriel, photo of picture: ‘detail of Gabriel from Leonardo da Vinci’s Annunciation’, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Annunciation. Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Author: Raffaele Pagani. Source/photographer: Own Work (Raffaele Pagani). Wikipedia via Wikimedia Commons. CC BY-SA 4.0.

Although in the novel set in 2006, Saint Gabriel travels the world in the guise of a tow truck operator, he still displays all the Biblical attributes of the Archangel. He is the ‘Messenger’. He does not judge, he is a man of reason. The tow truck acts as his celestial wings.


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