St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel in The Battle for Jesus

St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel in The Battle for Jesus is so named because we all face a crossroad of some sort in our lives.

Outside, St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel is a wooden church painted blue and white with a spire. There is no cross on the spire. Inside, it is a cathedral. There are no crosses within the cathedral itself. The St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel is for everyone. It was built by Souls in Heaven of all denominations and creeds.

Mary Magdalene is the primary architect because she is well versed in the building of cathedrals and has previously worked with many of the masons in Heaven before they died. And they, in turn, don’t hesitate at the opportunity to work with her again.

Mary Magdalene loves cathedrals, The Mother Mary too, but Jesus, being ‘an outdoors boy’ and difficult to impress, is not that fussed with the fluted pillars, masonry and stained glass windows. However, because Mary built it, he puts up with it.

St Michael lives with The Mother Mary in the vicarage attached to the cathedral. Although being an Archangel and the patron saint of battle, he returns as a quintessential village vicar, an affable fellow who quickly succumbs to The Mother’s cooking and mortal ways – he loves his whisky!

The chapel is located by the crossroads on the Orchard Road which is a wide country jaunt surrounded by beautiful rural farmland and apple trees. It is a picnic setting.

Mr Muchmore, a media baron, spends a night as a ‘guest’ of St Michael and The Mother. The following day he walks the Orchard Road to Washington. A life changing experience which turns him into an ardent convert to Christianity and Climate change.

The Orchard Road, in the story, can be found in the firmament just off Highway 95 between New York and Washington. Anyone who has had a sip of Momma’s complimentary apple juice at one of her restaurants will see the exit signs!

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