About the author

The author, Simon Lawson, started scribbling at preparatory school, Charney Hall, in the Lake District of the North of England. Devoid of TV and radio, the students, young as they were, told stories to each other. He moved on to Ellesmere College where he concentrated on English, aiming to get his passion for fiction onto paper. Most Holidays were spent on a farm, but there were trips to France and the USA.

The highlight of his youth was hitchhiking around the US, and the wholesome character of the American people has always stayed with him. After school he went into the electronics industry, then took assisted passage to Australia seeking a broader lifestyle. Simon Lawson studied commerce and creative writing in Australia. The Battle for Jesus is his debut novel. A 21st Century story, set in the US, ten years in the making. Simon Lawson is a natural writer with a soft touch.

The Battle for Jesus