Saint Michael, the Archangel, in The Battle for Jesus

Saint Michael, the Archangel, in the story is the quintessential village vicar. He is a ‘solid spirit’ so mortals can see and interact with him. He is large and portly with a British accent and a commanding but kindly presence. Unlike The Archangel Saint Gabriel, he has succumbed to mortal ways, enjoying Glenugie whisky, wine and The Mother Mary’s cooking.

However, St Michael is the patron saint of war and, in the novel, he is the plotter, the schemer, always looking for ways to avert the perils of global warming.

Both Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel cannot forestall climate change. They cannot stop the ice from melting and the oceans from warming, but they can do something for future generations by accommodating what lies ahead.

In 2006, The President of the United States and his White House Administration is mired in war and deaf to any call on climate change.

The Archangels and Jesus realise that they have to change the government’s attitude, change their way of thinking. They have to get politicians off the idea of war and onto climate change.

All the treasure, all the lives and limbs lost in the 2003 invasion of Iraq which was no threat to the US, could have been diverted into infrastructure, the lives of the American people and the planet.

Climate change is the common denominator that will bring the world together. Global warming is just that, global, and the governments of the world have to come together to accommodate what lies ahead. The only alternative is dysfunction, suffering and total disaster.

The battle for Jesus is the battle for humanity, for the planet. We need leadership to unite the world. Politicians must take up the responsibility of our future. They must be held accountable for their actions; that is the mission of Jesus and the Archangels. The question is how to do it?


Photo of picture: ‘Archangel Michael’ by Nikolay Bogatov. Russian and Soviet Artist (1854-1935). Public Domain. Via Wikimedia Commons.

This picture depicts Saint Michael as the protector. He is the patron saint of battle. In the novel, he is the vicar of St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel on the Orchard Road. Even so, he has all the attributes of the Archangel and beneath his persona is a mind with a steel trap. He is tasked by Heaven to avert the perils of climate change/global warming and save the world.


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