Queen Elizabeth II and Jesus | Novel: The Battle for Jesus

Queen Elizabeth II and Jesus in reality are bonded.

The Queen is a devout lady, she is the titular head of the Anglican Church. In the novel, Mary Magdalene brings Queen Elizabeth II and Jesus together.

Queen Elizabeth’s unswerving belief in Jesus is paramount to the story.

Prior to the beginning of the novel, Queen Elizabeth meets Mary Magdalene and Nancy Shuttleworth (Mary’s co-driver) on a visit to an ATS maintenance depot during World War Two with the view to joining up.

So, in the story, Queen Elizabeth, as a young princess, is actually a civilian when she meets Mary Magdalene in 1944.

Photo credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls. Courtesy of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre, USA, taken 8th May 2007, she is 81 years old in this picture. Public Domain; Wikipedia/ Wikimedia Commons.

Queen Elizabeth II is 81 years old in this picture, so in the story set in 2006, she would be a year younger (80 years old) and she would actually look just like this.

In the story, the Queen retains an old black and white snap-shot of herself with Mary and Nancy Shuttleworth in front of a WWII Katy ambulance,(taken during World War Two at an ATS maintenance depot). The Queen treasures this picture and still has it on her work desk amongst family photos in 2006.

Again, in the story, the Queen uses this WWII snapshot to question the validity of Mary Magdalene before they meet in the Palace. She knows that Mary is no hoax, primarily because, when they meet, Mary is exactly the same as in the snapshot when they first met during the Second World War, and the Queen, has naturally aged. Pre-warned by Mary, the Queen gets over the shock!

Confident, the Queen goes on a walk-about in the Mall and Jesus takes her through the passage of her reign. Note again, the Queen would look just as she is in the above picture.

Obviously, this is a very special and grand scene within a unique story. A major turning point.

Following the walk-about in the Mall, the Queen maintains a deep interest in Mary and Jesus as journalists at The Washington Truth. The Queen joins the fight against climate change.

Later in the story, with legal ‘constitutional’ advice from Nancy Shuttleworth, the Queen carries the fight in St George’s Hall, Windsor Castle, to swing governments away from war and conflict and concentrate the world’s resources onto climate change.

Effectively, Queen Elizabeth II saves the planet.

You will have to read the novel to see how all this comes to a conclusion at Windsor Castle.

Queen Elizabeth II was born in April 1926. This would make her 80 years old in the story set in 2006. Merely a year younger than in the above photo.

A beauty in her youth, and today, even in her nineties, she is still a fashion icon followed by renowned magazines across the globe. Queen Elizabeth II is a much loved and respected monarch who has never stinted, shirked or flinched from her duties. A great head of State.

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