The President and climate change.

The President and climate change. A call to action. The fate of the USA and the world is in his hands. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris must now address climate change. The President must carry through on his promises.

President Joe Biden and climate change must become as one. The lead time to arrest the effects of climate change is closing.

Note: Information for this blog has been gleaned from an article in The Washington Post written by Brady Dennis and Juliet Eilperin dated 23rd March 2021.

The novel The Battle for Jesus, averting the perils of global warming took ten years to research and write.

Ten years ago it was obvious that the world was in peril and that we had to address climate change. Enough with procrastination, years and years have been squandered away, decision time has arrived.

Mr Brady Dennis and Ms Juliet Eilperin have got it right and their article in The Washington Post is vitally important.

Left Photo: Turning the tide on climate change. Author: LucAleria, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Cometh the time, cometh the journalists and the reporters…in the story, Jesus returns as a journalist who joins the White House press corps. As inscribed in the above photo we must turn the tide on climate change. And time is running out.

Joe Biden’s battle for the soul of America is The battle for Jesus. We now have a President in the White House blessed with common sense.


Left Photo: U.S. President Joe Biden’s official portrait, 2021, by White House photographer Adam Schultz, via Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia. Public Domain. President Joe Biden poses for his official portrait Wednesday, March 3, 2021, in the Library of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

The US federal government is currently calculating how quickly it can embrace electric cars, trucks and public transport and how efficiently it can phase out coal and fill the gap with renewable energy such as solar and wind.

Addressing climate change will create sustainable job opportunity across the U.S. We take on the challenge or perish. Simple as that.

The goal is to put in place an action plan that will limit the increase in global warming to below 1.5 degrees Celsius before 2050, but really the sooner the better. Beyond that figure and it is believed the situation will become irreversible.

This is a time for unification, for a realistic plan that will engage the world and deliver an effective result. In the novel, Jesus simply has a broad goal to get us on the right track. We must do the rest. It is up to us to win the future.

Joe Biden has marshalled a taskforce of scientists and White House administrators to implement and monitor a plan that will minimise carbon emissions and deliver a solid sustainable outcome.

The past several years have seen a massive change in technology and overall attitude that has made the challenge feasible.

Companies are creating and delivering the means (batteries, etc) to capture solar and wind energy. Governments, Federal and local are implementing tax benefits to encourage solar energy on the roofs of our houses. Already, we are domestically returning energy back into the electricity grid. The Auto industry is embracing electric cars and trucks.

The European Union has pledged to cut greenhouse gases by 55% before 2030. Briton is determined to cut their emissions by 68%. China, India, Russia and Brazil are also considering massive cuts to their greenhouse gases. So, the ‘majors’ are getting on board. It just needs Joe Biden to bring it all together and make it happen.

Massive investment in infrastructure will create more opportunity for everyone. Joe Biden is out to win the future for us all.

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