Magna Carta in The Battle for Jesus

Magna Carta in The Battle for Jesus is the foundation, or the idea, on which both the US and the British Constitutions are based. The ‘Great Charter’ or Magna Carta, landed in the US on ‘Plymouth Rock’.

In the novel, Magna Carta is the link between the judiciary of both the US and Great Britain. By adding a new clause, clause 64, we change, or greatly influence the judiciary of both nations. We give the judiciary the teeth with which to make their politicians accountable for their actions and follow the will of the people, to accommodate climate change.

Left Photo of Magna Carta, 1215, one of only four surviving copies. Courtesy of The British Library, ID catalogue entry: ‘British Library Cotton MS Augustus II.106’. Wikipedia/ Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Notice the seal on this copy, once in place, has been lost.

Jesus indirectly provides the people with a tool to make politicians accountable for their actions, particularly on serious matters that determine the destiny of our planet. Through Clause 64, instigated by the US Supreme Court at Windsor Castle, the people have a powerful megaphone with which to deliver their message.

No politician wants to be held accountable for their actions, so a law of this nature would never get through the House of Commons or the US Congress. The only way would be to alter the foundation of their Constitutions that would be acceptable to both peoples.

The mission/goal of the Archangels, and Jesus, is to force politicians and governments away from war and domination, and onto unification. Global unification is the game changer…

Without Jesus, in the story, this would never happen. As Queen Elizabeth II says at Windsor Castle, ‘his passing is a miracle in itself, he pushed the door open to the Supreme Court’, and Nancy Shuttleworth, a renowned expert on both the British and US Constitutions, walks in.

Queen Elizabeth, with good reason, totally trusts Nancy Shuttleworth and Mary Magdalene, and is persuaded by her Law Lords and the US Supreme Court to seal clause 64 into law. Thereby fortifying the British and US Constitutions. The Supreme court have to stand by it and up hold the spirit of the clause because they instigated it.


This picture of St George’s Hall in Windsor Castle (UK), is where, within the novel, Queen Elizabeth II hosts a conference on ‘Magna Carta in the 21st Century’ which leads to the addition of clause 64 to the Great Charter, swinging politicians away from war and onto climate change. Notice the enormity of the room, the rich red carpet and the medieval armour.

Left: Photo of St George’s Hall in Windsor Castle by Joshua Barnett. CC-by-2.0. Wikimedia Commons. (26/04/2009).

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