Joining the fight against climate change

Joining the fight against climate change. The Battle for Jesus, is a story that encourages world leaders to join the fight against climate change.

Jesus returns in 2006 as a journalist to lead the fight against climate change/global warming.

I am no ‘Holy Joe’ and I am as amazed as anyone else to sit in a room for ten years writing a novel about Jesus, the Holy Land, and the perils of global warming (climate change). I simply got interested, researched global warming, decided it was real and asked the question: ‘well, what do we do about it?’ Or more importantly, ‘how do we even begin to find the solution to the ultimate threat to the civilised world?’ So, I joined the fight against climate change.

We cannot reach any solution to this threat without global unification. Only with global unification can we get the acknowledgement, the commitment, and the action to overcome climate change. Joining the fight against climate change is the key to the future of the planet. (See blog: Civlilsation, Climate Change, The Battle for Jesus.)

Rightly or wrongly, I concluded that the greatest person who could unite us all, who amassed probably the greatest following of all time and whose spirit and values could still unify us again was/is Jesus. Hence the story was born!

I believe that the values within Jesus’ ministry will eventually overcome the spurious objections that ‘special interest’ groups, primarily lobbyists in the US, utilise to block global unification and, ultimately, any action against climate change. The spirit of Jesus, his values, can bring us all together. That’s why I chose Jesus to return as a journalist in 2006 as the hero or protagonist of my story, The Battle for Jesus.

Until now, I have avoided selecting a picture of Jesus in my blogs so you could conjure up your own image of him. However, here are a couple of pictures of Jesus in the Holy Land that are pertinent to this blog and the story:

Picture of The Temptation of Jesus Christ in the Wilderness, by Ivan Kramskoi (or, Kramskoy) (1872), Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Source: Google Cultural Institute. Wikipedia.

The picture to the left is entitled ‘The Temptation of Jesus Christ in the wilderness‘. It depicts his realisation of what is entailed in bringing his ministry to the people, the need for absolute commitment to unifying the Holy Land (his world at the time) and improve the livelihoods of all those within it. He realises that he must totally commit, which he did/does.

Mosaic of Jesus Christ before Pilate. Courtesy Basilica of Sant Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna. 6th century. Author: José Luiz. © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA4.0. Wikimedia Commons.

The above picture titled ‘The Trial of Jesus’ encapsulates the fact that Jesus took his belief to the very end. Total commitment. In the novel, Jesus returns in 2006 to join the fight against climate change with other icons of the Holy Land.

                                         To Modern times and a time for optimism:

Image to the right: Greta Thunberg. CC-BY-4.0: © European Union 2020-Source: EP. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Greta Thunberg  is imbued with the courage to speak her mind. She is fearless, she is the ‘Joan of Arc’ of climate change. She is the great achiever with plenty of guts and has rallied the youth of the world. Greta has joined the fight against climate change. She has earned the respect of millions.


Left Image: Sir David Attenborough, Commons via Wikimedia.  (File: David Attenborough at the Great Barrier Reef.jpg-wikimedia).The great naturalist at the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Courtesy: Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (

Sir David has devoted his life to saving the planet. He was one of the first to join the fight against climate change. A pathfinder.

Sir David made an important presentation to the G7 Summit in Cornwall, UK, in 2021, encouraging them to acknowledge and  join the fight against climate change.

In the picture below, President Joe Biden has acknowledged climate change and committed the US to taking ‘action now’.

President Joe Biden has joined the fight against climate change.

President Joe Biden takes a G7 leaders family photo on Friday, June 11, 2021, at the Carbis Bay Hotel and Estate in St. Ives, Cornwall, England. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)


Left Image: President Joe Biden (first row, left of centre) at the 47th G7 Summit 2021, Cornwall, UK. 11th June 2021. Official White House photo by Adam Schultz. Wikimedia Commons. 

Great Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson is centre row of the photo.

Note: Queen Elizabeth II hosted this G7 Summit in Cornwall, (UK 2021).

Queen Elizabeth II has joined the fight against climate change.

All the members of the G7 Summit plus the representatives of European Parliament have joined the fight against climate change.

Nations representing approximately 70% of the global economy recognise the importance of ‘action now’ on climate change and have joined the fight. This includes China and Russia. We have reason for optimism!  We should all be joining the fight against climate change. Action now, a vision for the future…


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