Jesus loves New York | The Battle for Jesus

Jesus loves New York where the story, The Battle for Jesus, begins.

Jesus returns as a journalist with a mission to help the Archangels, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, to avert the perils of global warming and save the world, only to find a White House mired in war.

This novel is set in 2006 during the George W Bush White House Administration.

With a little Heavenly help Jesus lands a column, Jesus’ Say, with The Global Star a newspaper based in Manhattan. His column is similar to Mary’s Say written by Mary Magdalene who lives in Washington and works for The Washington Truth. So, at the start the two protagonists of the story are leading separate lives. Jesus loves New York

Photo: Manhattan, New York. Courtesy of Anthony Quintano. Wikimedia Commons, Flikr. CC-BY-2.0.

Jesus loves the hurly-burly of New York. The contrast to his previous surroundings in the Holy Land two thousand years ago could not be starker.

Even so, he feels the needs of the people are the same, only the surroundings, the maze of towering skyscrapers and the honking of the traffic are different.

The Story starts with Jesus living in a tenement where he befriends Constable Nathan Jackson of the NYPD. Jesus plays street soccer with the children and shares a few beers with Nathan in the summer evenings sitting on the steps of the tenement.

He is, in fact, pretty settled, with no intention of moving out of New York. His column is doing well and gaining the attention of New Yorkers. But, inevitably, Jesus being Jesus, his column becomes overly challenging. It clashes with Mr Muchmore, the owner of the Global Star, who is in the throes of purchasing the rights to satellite feeds from the White House to network his TV stations.

Mr Muchmore craves power. He sees Manhattan as the bastion of power, and he wants to own it all. Mr Muchmore wants to own the world and he does not care who knows it. He tells anyone who will listen that he wants to ‘own the world’. Jesus wants to save the world for the people, for all creatures great and small.

Mr Muchmore sees power in the concrete towers that surround his office. Jesus sees the people, their need for shelter, food, education and health. He cares about their aspirations, for their overall wellbeing and their future.

But, Jesus loses his job and has to move to Washington. He packs up his things at the tenement, says good bye to the street kids and Ethel Jackson (Nathan’s wife) who insists that he drops by the World Trade Centre which is being patrolled by Nathan Jackson.

At the World Trade Centre, while saying goodbye to Constable Nathan Jackson, Jesus notices a United Nations flag flying amongst a pack of other flags and he makes a statement on behalf of everyone by turning the flag into the wind. Only Jesus could perform such a miracle.

So, the UN flag at the WTC now billows out against the wind and Nathan realises that Jesus really is Jesus and not just a name sake. Not just a journalist with a controversial column. Jesus has declared himself.

Jesus sees the United Nations as the centre piece of global unification, vital to his plan to avert the perils of global warming.

You will have to read the story to see what happens to Mr Muchmore, Constable Nathan Jackson of the NYPD, and how Jesus’ relationship with Mary Magdalene develops.

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