White House press corps and Jesus

White House press corps and Jesus in the novel The Battle for Jesus set in 2006. Jesus joins the White House press corps and attends briefings in the press room of the West Wing.

After cutting his teeth on The Global Star in New York, Jesus moves to The Washington Truth where Mary Magdalene runs her own column, Mary’s Say.

Jesus is a rookie journalist. Mary is a well-established highly knowledgeable reporter. She takes him under her wing and coaches him.

Mary helps Jesus with his column Jesus’ Say, which he began in New York.

The two columns are a good fit and they soon build a following.

Saint Matthew is the chief editor of The Washington Truth. He wrangles a pass for Jesus to join the White House press corps. So, Mary and Jesus cover the President’s briefings in the White House. Together they are a powerful force and they ‘fill’ the press room.

Other journalists at The Washington Truth and in the press room realise that Jesus and Mary are very special people.

P032106PM-0321. The President answers reporters’ questions during a news briefing in the White House press room March 2006. Photo via Wikimedia Commons:  White House Photo by Paul Morse. A work of the U.S. fed’ gov’. Public Domain.

In the story, after each conference, the journalists traditionally retire to Ilsa’s Inn, a local pub where they play pool and bond. Jesus uses this opportunity to learn from the journalists’ experiences covering the White House.

Jesus’ mission is to avert the perils of global warming, the ultimate threat to the planet. But all he finds is a White House mired in war and deaf to the consequences of climate change.

He must swing the US Government away from war and onto global unification if he is to achieve his mission.

Jesus asks the President tough questions causing tension between them.

The President feels (in the story) that Jesus is an imposter playing on his namesake and he complains to the Vice President.

But Jesus continues to seek accountability from the White House Administration.

The other journalists side with Jesus and, inevitably, the situation overflows into an altercation. The knock-on effect is an actual battle in the heart of Washington which the newspapers refer to as The Battle for Jesus.

The Battle for Jesus leads to a resolution that achieves Jesus’ mission encouraging the US Government to forsake the futility of war and focus its resources on global warming and climate change.

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