Jesus is love, your soul is everything

Jesus is love, your soul is everything.

Your soul is everything, it is the one part of your person that stays with you and interacts with others your whole life. Your body turns to dust but your soul goes to Heaven. That’s why we say Jesus is love, your soul is everything.

‘The Battle for Jesus’ is the battle for humanity, for all of us. The prime goal of this novel is to swing politicians/governments away from the idea of war and conflict, and concentrate our resources onto climate change and global prosperity for all of us.

The Battle for Jesus’ is a wholesome novel of enlightenment.

Recently, in the USA, I am a aware of a discussion on the colour of Jesus’s skin. The answer to this question is very simple: Jesus is love. Skin has nothing to do with it. It is all about love. Our love for each other, what we do, how we treat people, etc, etc.

The colour of Jesus’ skin is the colour of your soul. Your soul is everything.

‘The person that climbs highest, helps another up’. We must unify the world to accommodate climate change/global warming. The future of our planet depends on the extent that we value our souls and those of others.

In the story, Jesus says in his ‘sermon in the park’ in New York that friendship is everything. He says it is the only way forward. It is the only way to unite the world and overcome the perils of global warming/climate change.

We mortals have to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and take up the idea of ‘soul’, respect for others and the planet. If it is ‘to be’ it is up to us. Jesus is trusting us to take the action. We must all pull together to save the world.


Photo of Earth from 18,000 miles while Apollo 17 was on route to the Moon on 7th Dec 1972. Called ‘The Blue Marble’. Photographed by either Harrison Schmitt or Ron Evans of Apollo 17. This picture shows Africa, Antarctica and the Arabian Peninsula. Photo courtesy of NASA and Wikipedia. Public Domain. Note: NASA via Wikipedia have numerous derivatives of this photo themed : Earth from Space.

This extraordinary photograph of Earth, ‘The Blue Marble’, encapsulates what The Battle for Jesus is all about: Bringing us all together to save the planet from the perils of global warming.

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