IPCC The Battle for Jesus

IPCC The Battle for Jesus.

IPCC stands for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which is a part of the United Nations.

John Kerry is the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, and he will be attending the IPCC meeting in Glasgow (Scotland) in November 2021. We do not know, but Xi Jinping, the President of China, may also attend.

Picture: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry with his two year old granddaughter Isabelle Dobbs-Higginson on his lap while he signs the climate change agreement on behalf of the U.S. (Earth Day; UN, New York, 22/April/2016). UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon looks on. U.S. State Department photo/Public Domain. Via Wikimedia Commons. Note: John Kerry is now the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and António Guterres is the UN Secretary-General,(as at 2021).

We do know that President Xi Jinping has already had meetings with Ambassador John Kerry, and he is committed to reducing the use of fossil fuels, such as coal, which are largely responsible for global warming. President Xi Jinping has joined the fight against climate change.

The 45th President of the U.S.A. did everything possible to sink the IPCC, criticize the United Nations and promote his disbelief in climate change, the ultimate threat to the planet.

Now, Joe Biden, the 46th President of the U.S.A. is reversing that policy and has made climate change a key stone of his official mandate. Joe Biden has committed over two trillion dollars to averting the perils of global warming/climate change. The U.S.A. is back on the planet!

On top of this, key banks and private enterprises in the U.S. will be prioritising even more trillions of dollars over the next ten years to support technologies such as solar and wind energy, domestic and commercial battery storage, electric and hydrogen vehicles, and many other infrastructure projects that will prevent the destruction of our forests and the excessive flooding within our communities. Private enterprise has joined the fight against climate change.

2021 will go down as the year that both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres were both hit hard by climate change. The US had massive fires across California and flooding in the southern states (Hurricane Ida). Europe too, was flooded and burnt out. And TV coverage of the floods in China and other Asian countries have been heart breaking. Mother Nature has told us that global warming/climate change has arrived!

Within all these huge funds mentioned above, primarily Governmental, monies will be needed to soften the inevitable job-transition that will come with moving out of fossil fuels, such as coal, and into renewable energy, such as solar, etc.

Climate change will create job opportunities. There will be some pain, but progress will inevitably bring prosperity. The alternative, ignoring climate change, will only bring hardship beyond belief.

Global unification is vital to keep global warming from climbing a further 1.5 to 2.0 degrees centigrade before 2050, which is the goal of the IPCC.

70% of the global economic community, which includes China and Russia, are now committed to the task. There is cause for optimism.

It is now time for action. ‘Action now’ is crucial. The Battle for Jesus is all about ‘Action now’. Global unification is crucial to averting the perils of global warming. The spirit of all that is within the story to save the planet must be brought to bear at the IPCC conference.

Let’s all of us get behind John Kerry, Joe Biden, President Xi Jinping of China, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, Boris Johnson of the UK, all the members of the G7, the European Parliament and the Middle-eastern and Asian countries to create a global force to drive action at the IPCC meeting in Glasgow in November 2021.

Action overcomes procrastination. Time is vital. The window of opportunity is closing. ‘Now’ is the word! ‘Now’ is the world!

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