A Reticulated Python called Eve is Jesus’ bodyguard

A Reticulated Python called Eve returns with Jesus as his bodyguard. Even though she is a Reticulated Python, she is still a ‘volunteer’. She returns because she loves Jesus and Mary Magdalene. ‘Volunteers’ are mortal.

Reticulated Pythons have been recorded at over twenty five feet long (six to seven metres plus). So, Eve, a tad under twenty feet, is considered by Mary Magdalene to be ‘just a titch’. Even so, she is quite capable of swallowing a person to defend either Jesus or Mary.

Jesus brings Eve back primarily because he knows that she and Mary Magdalene are soul mates. His love for Mary brings the two of them back together again.

Eve adores Jesus and listens to his every word, but she does not necessarily follow them! She is far more relaxed with Mary Magdalene. In the Holy Land, Mary and Eve had an act together to raise money for the ‘gang’.

Jesus scolds Eve for eating too many rats, but Mary is far more understanding. ‘Easy pickings and no trees in New York for her to exercise on’, etc. The girls stick together! Eve is much larger than she was in the Holy Land, and is a little self conscious of her figure. Both she and Mary blame the rats. Well, humans have their chocolate, pythons have their rats!

In the real world, records of folk taken by Reticulated Pythons were once considered rare but they are now on the increase. Today, with climate change, there have been many more encounters with these pythons because they are forced to hunt wider and enter city suburbs in search of food, bringing them closer to humans.


Photo by Mariluna.CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

This picture of a coiled Reticulated Python shows how large and powerful these magnificent creatures can become.


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