Climate change and global warming, 2018

Climate change/ global warming: Blog No 1; 16 January 2019. Important information that will govern our future:

The purpose of these blogs is to create a record of extreme weather over the years and thereby track the effects of global warming and the resultant climate change.
I am not a climatologist nor a meteorologist so I will always provide the date and source of the information as best as possible. And also use information from reputable organisations, newspapers and journalists.

In the book, ‘The Battle for Jesus’, Jesus returns to avert the perils of global warming. The story is fiction but climate change is real. The Book was first published on Amazon on the 15th December 2018. So, herewith, is some general information covering 2018. This information is courtesy of THE CONVERSATION, 20th Dec, 2018:

Basically: Australia’s average air temp has warmed by 1° C since our National records began in 1910. Our oceans have also warmed by 1° C. This is important because the aim of the Paris Climate agreement is to limit the increase this century to 2° C, and preferably to 1.5°C. This shows you that we do not have much leeway to keep below this benchmark. And, if we keep going as we are, without changing our ways, then the perils of global warming will surely be on us. The only window of opportunity to avert the perils of global warming is now.

The concentration of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere is one of the prime drivers of global warming. The level of CO2 at Cape Grim in Tasmania, the island state to the south of mainland Australia and atmospherically considered to be one of the cleanest places on Earth has consistently recorded 400 parts per million, or ppm, every year since 2016. This is particularly worrying because over this figure is considered the tipping point, or the point of no return. The point at which we can only accommodate what lies ahead and not reverse it.

The combined concentrations of all greenhouse gases have apparently now exceeded the equivalent of 500 parts per million CO2, which was recorded mid-2018.

The above milestones have not been crossed for over 800,000 years and more probably 2 million years. These are irrefutable facts that show beyond doubt the planet is in trouble and if we do not start to address global warming and the resultant effects of climate change then the perils of global warming will overcome us all. ‘The Battle for Jesus’ is the Battle for humanity, all of us, every living creature. It is to be or not to be, and the only way forward is to get our politicians off the idea of war and conflict and start pumping our resources into the saving the planet. We have to unify the world to save the planet.

Note: this information was gleaned from an article authored by Mr Michael Gross, Climate Projections Scientist, CSIRO; and Ms Lynette Bettio of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology in an Article from the CONVERSATION dated 20th December 2018.

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