Civilisation, Climate Change, The Battle for Jesus

The Battle for Jesus is all about civilisation and the continuation of civilisation as we know it today.

Global Warming/Climate Change is the biggest overall issue threatening the entire planet.

The extreme weather that is being reported worldwide is developing into extensive long term droughts and forest fires, often followed by intensive flooding that threaten our farms, our streets, our homes and our livelihoods, and can force us to move away from areas that were once liveable.

Photo Courtesy of Mr David Shankbone, (30th October 2012, Hurricane Sandy),CC BY 3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons.       

Description: Flooded Avenue C at East 6th Street in Manhattan’s East Village neighbourhood of Loisaida, moments before the Con Edison power substation of 14th Street and Avenue C blew up. (Hurricane Sandy Flooding Avenue C, 2012).

Note: as per the description attached to Mr David Shankbone’s photo, taken during Hurricane Sandy in 2012, this photo shows the extent of destruction flooding causes to a city street that, although is in Manhattan, could be anywhere in the world. See the flooded cars and the people braving the situation.

But, take heart, as you can see, the community still keeps going. Folk are resolute, they stick together and get on with things. If the local governance addresses this sort of situation, eg with sea walls, proper drainage to accommodate flash flooding, and facilities to maintain the power, etc, etc, it can be overcome. No easy task, but it can be done. (See blog: Joining the fight against Climate change.)

If nothing is done, global dysfunction will be inevitable. But, again, it can be overcome. We will have to restructure our lives. Refugees due to climate change will become a reality.

The only window of opportunity to counter climate change and avoid the threat to civilisation is now. There is no second chance. Global unification is critical to overcoming this sort of street scene that could be anywhere in the world.

The Battle for Jesus is a surreal story, fiction, but the threats to our existence are real.

The only person that I know of, who actually walked the planet, who is/was inclusive in all things, is/was Jesus. He cared for everyone and made the stand for humanity. It is true, irrefutable, that he died so we might live. In this story, he represents the unifying force that we need to overcome what lies ahead.
The Archangels, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel arrive to help. But, they admit that they do not know what to do. So, with the help of Mary Magdalene, they build a church. And then Jesus returns to take up the cause.

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