Queen Elizabeth meets Jesus at Buckingham Palace

Queen Elizabeth meets Jesus in front of Victoria’s Memorial opposite Buckingham Palace: Jesus and Mary, as tourists sightseeing, laze on the steps of Victoria’s Memorial opposite Buckingham Palace enjoying a beautiful summer’s day. Mary notices that the Queen’s standard is flying above the Palace indicating that she is in residence and she wants Jesus to […]

A Reticulated Python called Eve is Jesus’ bodyguard

A Reticulated Python called Eve returns with Jesus as his bodyguard. Even though she is a Reticulated Python, she is still a ‘volunteer’. She returns because she loves Jesus and Mary Magdalene. ‘Volunteers’ are mortal. Reticulated Pythons have been recorded at over twenty five feet long (six to seven metres plus). So, Eve, a tad […]

The Mother Mary in The Battle for Jesus

The Mother Mary is a solid spirit, which means that she is a ghost in solid form so we mortals can see her, but, as such, she can return to Heaven any time she wishes to. The Archangels are also solid spirits (see blog: The Worlds within the story). The Mother lives in the firmament […]

Mary Magdalene and Easter Eggs, The Battle for Jesus

Mary Magdalene and Easter eggs. Could Mary Magdalene have invented Easter eggs? This is not a part of the novel in any way but many people ask me this question, especially around Easter time: Mary Magdalene is a key figure in the story of The Resurrection, Easter Sunday. She is the first person Jesus shows himself […]

Civilisation, Climate Change, The Battle for Jesus

The Battle for Jesus is all about civilisation and the continuation of civilisation as we know it today. Global Warming/Climate Change is the biggest overall issue threatening the entire planet. The extreme weather that is being reported worldwide is developing into extensive long term droughts and forest fires, often followed by intensive flooding that threaten […]

Queen Elizabeth II and Katy Ambulances during World War II, The Battle for Jesus

  Queen Elizabeth II and Katy ambulances during World War II: Photo of an Austin K2/Y ambulance, fondly known as a ‘Katy’ during WWII. Photo courtesy of Deben Dave at English Wikipedia. Via Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. This blog gives you an idea of what Katy Ambulances during World War II look like in the […]

The MPD, Metropolitan Police Dept, Washington D.C.

The MPD or The Metropolitan Police Department, Washington D.C., plays an important part in the story, The Battle for Jesus. The MPD Car Patrol has visited the Chapel on the Orchard Road in the firmament. They know that Jesus really is Jesus and that Mary Magdalene is the real thing. You will have to read […]

Spiritual love wins in The Battle for Jesus

Spiritual love wins. In Jesus we find spiritual love expressed in the form of friendship, respect, kindness and good neighbourliness. In the novel, Jesus, in his sermon in the park, refers to ‘friendship as the only way forward’. He sees love in the form of friendship, as the unifying force required to overcome the perils […]

Queen Elizabeth II in the ATS during World War II

Queen Elizabeth II in the ATS in reality is a key happening that brings the story together. The Battle for Jesus is fiction although, as the saying goes, reality is stranger than fiction. Note, she was Princess Elizabeth at the time. Queen Elizabeth II in the ATS during World War II is the link between […]

SOE and Mary Magdalene during World War Two

Mary Magdalene and SOE, or Special Operations Executive, during World War Two was an espionage organisation set up by the British. Its members were often referred to as ‘Churchill’s Bandits’. Many of the women in SOE joined the FANY’s (First Aid Nursing and Yeomanry) as a cover. In the story, The Battle for Jesus, Mary […]