Jesus loves New York | The Battle for Jesus

Jesus loves New York where the story, The Battle for Jesus, begins. Jesus returns as a journalist with a mission to help the Archangels, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, to avert the perils of global warming and save the world, only to find a White House mired in war. This novel is set in 2006 […]

The White House and Jesus in the book, The Battle for Jesus

The White House and Jesus, who has returned as a journalist, is a major part of the story. Jesus and Mary Magdalene cover the press room at the White House for The Washington Truth, an influential newspaper owned by Mrs Lydia Eastman, a devout lady who strongly believes in climate change. The Story is set […]

Windsor Castle, Magna Carta and Queen Elizabeth II

Windsor Castle is the setting for the conclusion of the novel, The Battle for Jesus. Queen Elizabeth II agrees to host a conference at Windsor Castle on ‘Magna Carta in the 21st Century’… Back story: The Climax of the story is a vicious hand to hand battle in central Washington D.C.. Many die, including Jesus, […]

Queen Elizabeth II and Jesus | Novel: The Battle for Jesus

Queen Elizabeth II and Jesus in reality are bonded. The Queen is a devout lady, she is the titular head of the Anglican Church. In the novel, Mary Magdalene brings Queen Elizabeth II and Jesus together. Queen Elizabeth’s unswerving belief in Jesus is paramount to the story. Prior to the beginning of the novel, Queen […]

St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel in The Battle for Jesus

St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel in The Battle for Jesus is so named because we all face a crossroad of some sort in our lives. Outside, St Michael’s Crossroads Chapel is a wooden church painted blue and white with a spire. There is no cross on the spire. Inside, it is a cathedral. There are no […]

The Holy Land and Jesus in The Battle for Jesus

The Holy Land is pivotal to the novel The Battle for Jesus, a surreal story set in 2006. Jesus, a journalist, moves from New York to run his column ‘Jesus’ Say’ in the Washington Truth. Mary Magdalene, already with the Washington Truth, has a column called ‘Mary’s Say’ and the two play off each other. […]

Queen Elizabeth meets Jesus at Buckingham Palace

Queen Elizabeth meets Jesus in front of Victoria’s Memorial opposite Buckingham Palace: Jesus and Mary, as tourists sightseeing, laze on the steps of Victoria’s Memorial opposite Buckingham Palace enjoying a beautiful summer’s day. Mary notices that the Queen’s standard is flying above the Palace indicating that she is in residence and she wants Jesus to […]

A Reticulated Python called Eve is Jesus’ bodyguard

A Reticulated Python called Eve returns with Jesus as his bodyguard. Even though she is a Reticulated Python, she is still a ‘volunteer’. She returns because she loves Jesus and Mary Magdalene. ‘Volunteers’ are mortal. Reticulated Pythons have been recorded at over twenty five feet long (six to seven metres plus). So, Eve, a tad […]

Magna Carta in The Battle for Jesus

Magna Carta in The Battle for Jesus is the foundation, or the idea, on which both the US and the British Constitutions are based. The ‘Great Charter’ or Magna Carta, landed in the US on ‘Plymouth Rock’. In the novel, Magna Carta is the link between the judiciary of both the US and Great Britain. […]