IPCC The Battle for Jesus

IPCC The Battle for Jesus. IPCC stands for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which is a part of the United Nations. John Kerry is the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, and he will be attending the IPCC meeting in Glasgow (Scotland) in November 2021. We do not know, but Xi Jinping, the President of […]

Joining the fight against climate change

Joining the fight against climate change. The Battle for Jesus, is a story that encourages world leaders to join the fight against climate change. Jesus returns in 2006 as a journalist to lead the fight against climate change/global warming. I am no ‘Holy Joe’ and I am as amazed as anyone else to sit in […]

The President and climate change.

The President and climate change. A call to action. The fate of the USA and the world is in his hands. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris must now address climate change. The President must carry through on his promises. President Joe Biden and climate change must become as one. The lead time […]

White House press corps and Jesus

White House press corps and Jesus in the novel The Battle for Jesus set in 2006. Jesus joins the White House press corps and attends briefings in the press room of the West Wing. After cutting his teeth on The Global Star in New York, Jesus moves to The Washington Truth where Mary Magdalene runs her […]

Greenland passed tipping point. Global Warming.

Greenland passed tipping point. Global warming is causing more ice in Greenland to melt than is being replaced. This blog has been gleaned from an article dated 14th August, 2020 by Mr Scott Snowden who covers environmental technology for Forbes magazine. In the 21st Century novel, The Battle for Jesus, Jesus returns to avert the […]

Saint Matthew in The Battle for Jesus

Saint Matthew, the chief editor of The Washington Truth, is an important character in the 21st Century story, The Battle for Jesus. At the beginning of the novel Jesus is writing a column for The Global Star in New York. Jesus loves New York and his column is gaining some traction when one of his […]

Jesus loves New York | The Battle for Jesus

Jesus loves New York where the story, The Battle for Jesus, begins. Jesus returns as a journalist with a mission to help the Archangels, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, to avert the perils of global warming and save the world, only to find a White House mired in war. This novel is set in 2006 […]

Windsor Castle, Magna Carta and Queen Elizabeth II

Windsor Castle is the setting for the conclusion of the novel, The Battle for Jesus. Queen Elizabeth II agrees to host a conference at Windsor Castle on ‘Magna Carta in the 21st Century’… Back story: The Climax of the story is a vicious hand to hand battle in central Washington D.C.. Many die, including Jesus, […]

Saint Gabriel, the Archangel, in The Battle for Jesus

Saint Gabriel, the Archangel, is very different to Saint Michael, but they do complement each other. Saint Gabriel, in the story, is a large, imposing man in bib-n-brace overalls. He does not drink, nor does he eat or succumb to mortal ways. He speaks with an American accent and, although a gentle giant, he makes […]

Saint Michael, the Archangel, in The Battle for Jesus

Saint Michael, the Archangel, in the story is the quintessential village vicar. He is a ‘solid spirit’ so mortals can see and interact with him. He is large and portly with a British accent and a commanding but kindly presence. Unlike The Archangel Saint Gabriel, he has succumbed to mortal ways, enjoying Glenugie whisky, wine […]