Buckingham Palace and Jesus | The Battle for Jesus

Buckingham Palace is the setting for an important turning point in the novel, The Battle for Jesus.

After Visiting Israel, Jesus and Mary Magdalene stay-over in London for a few days.

Sight-seeing, they relax on the steps of Queen Victoria’s Memorial just opposite Buckingham Palace.

Aerial view of Buckingham Palace, 2016. Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday celebrations.

Photo: SAC Matthew ‘Gerry’ Gerrard RAF/ © MoD Crown Copyright 2016. Via Wikimedia Commons.

As a couple surrounded by hundreds of other vacationers, they enjoy the sunshine and the band practicing in the forecourt.

Mary notices that Queen Elizabeth’s standard (flag) is flying over the palace, signalling that she is in residence, and Mary gets the idea to introduce Jesus to the Queen.

(This aerial picture is of Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday celebrations in 2016. Queen Victoria’s Memorial is in the foreground. Note: the story is set in 2006. So, in the story the Queen would be eighty years old.)

Jesus is hesitant, he just wants to enjoy the holiday atmosphere with Mary.

But Mary insists, telling Jesus how she and Elizabeth first met during the Second World War when the Queen was a young princess. (Remember, in the story Mary Magdalene does not die after the time of the Cross in the Holy Land. She lives on, as a mortal, through the next two thousand years believing that Jesus would return).

Mary tells Jesus that Queen Elizabeth II is a devout lady and the greatest state’s person walking the planet. She also fibs that today is her birthday, and they should do something to celebrate.

Jesus relents and offers a street party. He suggests bringing back all the people who have since died but knew Elizabeth as a young girl or during her reign to wish her a happy birthday.

Jesus instructs Mary to go and get Elizabeth while he organises the celestial party.

While Jesus organises a street party for Queen Elizabeth II, Mary Magdalene contacts the Queen using her red mobile phone and a little Heavenly help.

Mary gets though, and the Queen verifies that she is speaking to her ‘long lost friend’, Mary Magdalene, by asking a series of loaded questions.

The two meet in the Palace for tea.

Within the privacy of the Palace, The Queen, on sight, realises that Mary Magdalene is the person she knew during World War Two as a ‘Katy’ ambulance driver.

Mary has not aged, but the Queen, now eighty years old in the story, has.

So, Mary is no imposter. This means that Jesus cannot be an imposter either.

The Queen gets over the shock and, during tea, the two ‘girls’ exchange experiences and discuss absent friends.

Mary tells the Queen that Jesus has returned to avert the perils of global warming. And, of her desire to marry Jesus.

After tea, the Queen agrees to join Jesus in a walk-about outside the palace in the vicinity of Victoria’s Memorial and the Mall. (See Picture, Victoria’s Memorial is the massive ‘traffic island’ opposite Palace forecourt).

The street party is an amazing celebration of the Queen’s reign with thousands of people returning from Heaven to say hello and offer her a flower.

The Queen challenges Jesus to waltz Mary up and down the Mall. The crowd encourages Jesus to take up the challenge.

This amazing reunion culminates with Jesus waltzing Mary Magdalene up the Mall.

Eventually, the ‘solid spirits’ return to Heaven and the Queen is left surrounded by flowers filched from the flower beds in the parks.

The combination of Buckingham Palace and Jesus primes the Queen for future events.

Now she knows that Mary Magdalene is the real thing and Jesus has returned to avert the perils of global warming.

Queen Elizabeth II joins the fight against climate change.

But how does all this concern the Queen? How does this affect the Archangel’s plot to avert the perils of global warming..?

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