The Battle For Jesus

The Battle for Jesus

In 2006, the Archangels, St Michael and St Gabriel, are tasked by the Souls in Heaven to unify the world and avert the perils of global warming; only to find a White House mired in war and deaf to the consequences of climate change.

Jesus, with others, returns to help, but is torn between his love for Mary Magdalene and the mission.

The battle for humanity, the ultimate game-changer that has to be won at all costs.

The climax of the story is a vicious battle, hand to hand, in central Washington, which shocks the world.

With enormous sacrifice a new society is born, one that makes politicians accountable for their actions, shy of war, and focus the world’s resources onto climate change, peace and prosperity.

This story is bold, entertaining and progressive, carrying a mighty moral punch.

Simon Lawson is a natural writer, combining a soft touch with a healthy tempo.

A 21st Century story, set in the US, ten years in the making.

Simon Lawson is a natural writer, combining a soft touch with a healthy tempo.
